Friday, April 4, 2008

Back In Brown

I feel like the brown costume is for the real shit. Like when he's gonna really bring it. The blue/yellow number is for show. And for conventions. And reunions.


Chuck BB said...

now we're talkin!!!!

Sean said...

ya, this is the one

Alejandro Omidsalar said...

I concur entirely. Even though the current Wolverine: Origins series is lackluster, it's nice to see the brown costume.

Unknown said...

The brown action figure also had the retractable claws, whereas the blue and yellow one had permanent ones.

Unknown said...

Nerdosity of the day: Wolverine has a new, ostensibly far more badass costume -- black and gray with glowing red eyes. It's grim 'n' gritty. Assess its effectiveness at your own discretion in the new X-Force series.